Gujarat has total geographical area of 196024 Sq. Km. Out of which, 18961.69 Sq. Km. (9.67%) is declared forest area. State has wide variations in Geophysical and Eco-climatic conditions ranging from hot saline deserts to humid hilly tracts and from coast to high hills, which has resulted in to formation of various types of forest. These factors have bestowed the state with diversity of Flora and Fauna. Gujarat is rich in floral diversity of species, habitats and ecosystems that represents nearly 13% of the floristic diversity of the country. The majestic Asiatic Lion and Wild Ass have their last resorts of the world in Gujarat. The faunal biodiversity consists of 14% fishes, 18% reptiles, 37% avifauna and 25% of the mammal population of the country. Gujarat Forest Department is entrusted with the prime responsibility of protection, conservation and development of forest and wildlife of the state.

To increase density of open and degraded forest to convert them as dense forests.

To improve grassland areas and maximise the grass production to satisfy peoples need.

Control and regulate the sustainable utilization of forest resources.

Provide livelihood opportunity to forest dependent communities and slowly make them independent of forests.

To practice socially-inclusive forestry and solicit co-operation and participation of the people and other stakeholders in greening the states.

To protect, conserve and enhance the wildlife and remnant biodiversity resources of the state by developing a suitable protected area network.

To promote non timber uses of forests such as Eco-tourism, Non-Timber Forest Produce, Medicinal Plants and Biodiversity.

To carry awareness on importance of forest and wildlife conservation for the purpose of creating a balanced and accountable population.

To ensure protection and expansion of Mangroves, sacred groves and other highly sensitive eco-systems.

To dissolve the issues of man-animal conflict.

To use modern technologies and scientific knowledge for practicing sustainable forest management.

To effort in direction of mitigating the climate change.

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