Calendar Reasoning Tricks, Concepts, Questions and PDF

 Calendar Reasoning Notes, Tricks Concepts and Questions, explained in Hindi with PDF download. Useful for SSC CGL, CPO, CHSL, RRB, UPSSSC PET, NRA CET and other Govt Job Competitive Examinations.

Days and Week

One week includes following 7 Days :

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

The days repeat itself after completion of week.

Odd Day 

The remaining days after calculated Completed weeks are odd days. It can be find by divide the number of days from the 7, remainder is Odd Days.

Days of the week start from Monday (1 Jan 0001 was Monday) , Therefore, 1 odd day means Monday.

Odd Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7/0

Day Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Tricks – Odd days in a Week -‘0 ‘

Add or Subtract 7 from any day, you will find same day.

Like 1 July 2020 is Wed, 8 July 2020 ?

1+7 = 8, Therefore, 8 July 2020 is Wednesday

Odd days in Months

Months Days Odd Days

Jan, March, May, July, August, October, December 31 3

February Normal Year 28 0

February Leap Year 29 1

April, June, September, November 30 2

Normal Year

Normal year, which is not divisible by 4 is a Normal Year, However in Century year like 100, 200, 1900, 2000, it should not be divisible by 400.

That means 1900 is divisible by 4 and we may think it a leap year, but it is century year (last two digits 00), we have to divide it by 400.

Hence, it is Normal Year.

Normal Year = 365 day = 52 weeks + 1 day ( 1 Odd Day)

February – 28 days

Leap Year

Leap Year = 366 days = 52 weeks + 2 day ( 2 odd days)

February – 29 days

Example : Which of the following is a leap year

(a) 2021, (b) 2022 (c) 2023 (d) 2024

Answer : (d) 2024 is divisible by 4, therefore it is a Leap Year

Tricks Calendar Reasoning: First and Last day of a year

In a Normal Year

1 st day of the year = Last days of the year

1 Jan and 31 Dec will be same day

Example: 1 Jan 2022 is Saturday, and 31 Dec 2022 is also Saturday

What will be 1 Jan 2023 ?

Normal Year Sat +1 = Sunday

In Leap Year

31 Dec is 1+ 1st Jan Day

Example 1 Jan 2024 is Monday, 31 Dec 2024 = Monday+1 =Tuesday

Months with Same days

When the Number of odd days between any two months in a year is ‘0’, the day of the dates will be same.

Normal Year Jan-Oct Feb-March Feb-Nov Mar-Nov Apr-Jul Sep-Dec

Leap Year Jan-Apr Jan-Jul Feb-Aug Mar-Nov Apr-Jul Sep-Dec

Odd days in 100 and 400 Years

Years Normal Years Leap Years Odd Days

2001-2100 76 (OD-76) 24 (OD-48) 76+48=124/7

(5 OD)

2101-2200 76 (OD-76) 24 (OD-48) 76+48=124/7

(5 OD)

2201-2300 76 (OD-76) 24 (OD-48) 76+48=124/7

(5 OD)

2301-2400 75 (OD-75) 25 (OD-50)

2400 Century year a Leap Year 76+48=125/7

(6 OD)

2101- 2400

400 Years 5+5+5+6 =21

(0 OD)

After 400 Years Calendar repeat itself

1 Jan 2001 – Monday

1 Jan 2401 will Monday

1 Jan 1601 was Monday … etc

Odd days in Century and Last Day

Century Odd Day Last Day

31Dec First Day


100, 500, 900, 1300, 1700, 2100.. 5 OD Friday Monday

200,600, 1000, 1400, 1800, 2200 .. 5+5=10 =3 OD Wednesday Saturday

300,700,1100,1500,1900,2300.. 5+5+5 =15 = 1 OD Monday Thursday

400, 800,1200, 1600,2000,2400..

Century Leap Year 5+5+5+6 =21 = 0 OD Sunday Tuesday

Type 1: Day and Month same Year Different

12 March 2018 is Sunday. What will be 12 March 2022 ?

Solution :

2018 NY -1

2019 NY -1

2020 LY- 2

2021 NY-1

OD -5 , Sunday +5 = Friday

Trick : 2022- 2018 = 4 Year + 1 LY = 5

23 March 1835 is Sunday. What will be 23 March 1882 ?


1882-1835 = 47 years + 12 LY = 59/7 = 3 OD

Sunday + 3 = Wednesday

NOTE : To calculate LY : LY after 1835 is 1836

LY after 1884

1884 – 1836 = 48/4 = 12 LY

Type -2 : Date and Year Same Month Different


Odd day of Mar -3, Apr-2, May-3, Jun-2, July-3 = 13/7 = 6 OD

Sunday +6 = Saturday

Note : August OD will not be counted.

Type 3: Month and year Same Date Different

Number of days = 30-4 = 26 /7 = 5 OD

Friday +5 = Wednesday

Note : Friday (5) +5 = 10/7 = 3 (Wed)

Type 4: Date, Month, Year all different

Example 1: 11 July 2020 is Saturday, what will be 22 October 2028

Years : 2028 -2020 = Year- 8 + LY- 2 = 10 , OD -3

Month : July – 3, Aug-3, Sep-2 =8, OD -1 ( Oct will not be counted)

Date : 22-11 = 11, OD = 4

Total OD = 3+1+4 =8 , OD =1

Therefore, Sat +1 = Sunday

Example 2: 15 March 2021 is Monday, What will be 12 July 2023.

Year : 2023-2021 = 2 +0 (LY) = 2 OD

Months : March (31-15 =16) -2 OD, Apr-2, May-3, June-2, July 12 – 5 OD

Months OD : 2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 5 = 14 = 0 OD

Total OD : Year + Months = 2 + 0= 8 OD -2

Therefore 12 July 2023 will be Monday + 2= Wednesday

Example 3 : 14 November 2020 is Saturday, What will be the day of 26 January 2026.

Month/Year Day Odd Days

Nov 2020 30-14=16 2

Dec 2020 31 3

2021 Full Year NY 365 1

2022 NY 365 1

2023 NY 365 1

2024 LY 366 2

2025 NY 365 1

Jan 2026 26 5

16 = 2 OD

Therefore, 26 January 2026 = Saturday + 2 = Monday

Find the Day of a back date from the given day

When the day of a date is given and day of a date previous to it is asked. We will subtract the odd days from the given day.

Example: 26 January 2020 is on Sunday, What was the day on 26 January 1950.

Years : 2020-1950 – year -70 + LY -17 = 87 – 3 OD

(Including – 2000 CLY, )

Note: For LY 2020 (Before Feb) – 1952 (NLY) = 68/4 =17

26 January 1950 was Sunday (0/7) – 3 = Thursday

Note : We will subtract the Odd days from the day

Example: 10 Feb 2020 is on Monday, What was the day on 25 December 1918.

Dec 2018, 31 – 25 = 6 OD

Year 2019 NY = 01 OD

Jan 2020 31 days = 3 OD

Feb 2020 , 10 days = 3 OD

Total OD = 6+1+3+3=13 = 6 OD

25 December 1918 was (Monday – 6) = Tuesday

Note : Monday 1+7 – 6 = 2nd day of week

Find the day of a given date

Example 1 : What was the day on 15 August 1947

Completed Year upto 15 Aug 1947 = 1900 + 46

Century (1900 years ) Odd days = 1 OD

46 (Years)+ 11 (LY)= 57 = 1 OD

Completed Months of 1947 (NY): Jan-3, Feb-0, Mar-3, Apr-2, May-3, Jun-2, Jul-3,

Total OD = 16 = 2 OD

Day of August-15 = 1 OD

Total OD = Century –1 + 46 Years –1 + Months 2 + Days – 1 = 5 OD

15 August 1947 was Friday (5 th Day of week)

(Note : Odd day for 300,700,1100,1500,1900,2300.. Century is 1

and Number of LY – 1948 – 1904 = 44/4 =11)

Example 2: Birth date of a student is 25 March 2004, Find the day of that day.

Completed Year : 2000 + 3

Century multiple of 400, code is 0, LY -0

Odd Day = 0 (C Code) + 3 (years) + 0 (LY) =3 OD

Completed Months of 2004 (LY): Jan-3, Feb-1 , = 4 OD

Days 25 = 4 OD

Total OD = 3+4+4 = 11 = 4 OD

25 March 2004 was the Thursday (4 th day of week)

Extra Questions

Q 1: Ravi went to see a Movie, 9 day before. He see the Movie only on Friday. Today is what Day of week.

Today = Friday + 9 = Friday + 2 OD = Sunday

Q 2: 29 Feb is Monday. what day was on 11 February.

29, 22, 15 and 8 Feb Monday

8+3 = 11, Monday+3 = Thursday

Q 3 : If this year is a Leap Year and 1 January is Monday. After How Many year 1 Jan will be on Monday.

This Year LY – 1 Jan – Mon

After 1 Year NY – 1 Jan Wed (2 OD of previous Year)

After 2 Year NY – 1 Jan Thu (1 OD of previous Year)

After 3 year NY – 1 Jan Fri (1 OD of previous Year)

After 4 Year LY – 1 Jan Sat (1 OD of previous Year)

After 5 Year NY – 1 Jan Monday (2 OD of previous Year)

After 5 Year – (The total of Odd days is 7 Means Monday)

Alternate Method

Add the Odd day of years till it become 7 or multiple of 7.

2 LY + 1 NY + 1 NY + 1 NY + 2 LY = 7 (After 5 years)

Q 4: Ram celebrated his 4th birthday on 29 Feb 2020. When he was born.

4 Birthday 29 Feb 2020

3 Birthday 29 Feb 2016

2 Birthday 29 Feb 2012

Ram Birth Date 29 Feb 2008

Thanks Friend, I hope you enjoyed the Calendar Concepts and Tricks topic of Reasoning for Competitive Examination.

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